Sunday, January 20, 2008

Our Faithful Missionaries

A little over a week ago we had Elders Paongo and Hanson come visit our house. It was such a great opportunity for us to feel of their spirit and then be able to add to that spiritual experience by giving the missionaries a list of about twenty names that I had put together while canvasing our ward boundaries. Then the missionaries asked us who we thought was ready to hear the discussions now and I immediately thought of our friends Kyle and Cierra, who have come to church already. Well the missionaries did go visit the happy Kyle and Cierra and things seem to be going very well. Come to find our, those same missionaries visited the Randalls, who also gave them a name of a couple in our neighborhood that would want to hear the discussions. They also are hearing the discussions right now. Needless to say, the missionary work in our ward is thriving. I know that the missionaries were prompted to come to our house that day and I know that many lives will be blessed because of that decision. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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